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Institute for Regenerative Medicine • IREM

iPSZürich Lectures Schedule

iPSC Banner Image
A New Lecture Series Focused on Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Organisation Committee: Melanie Generali, Vanessa Budny, Evelina Voloviceva, Nicole Ziak, Neguin Ranjbar, and Karan Ahuja
Thanks to our Alumni Clara Duré, Melanie Eschment, and David Taborsky
Date Speaker Topic

25th Feb 2025 4PM

Frank Barry

Prof. Frank Barry

University of Galway, Ireland

MSCs: Obstacles to Effective Translation

18th March 2025 4PM

Koen Oost

Dr. Koen Oost

Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Switzerland


25th April 2025 all day

iPSZurich Banner

iPSZurich Symposium 2025

Program Flyer

20th May 2025 4PM

Daria Bunina

Daria Bunina

Max Delbrück Center MDC, Berlin, Germany

From multi-omics to mechanisms of chromatin regulation in cell differentiation and diseases

Date Speaker Topic

16th January 2024 4PM


Lena Smirnova, PhD

Lena Smirnova, PhD

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT), Baltimore, USA

iPSC-Derived Brain Organoids as Cognition-in-a-Dish Model

Lecture Flyer

12th March 2024 4PM


Indumathi Mariappan

Indumathi Mariappan, PhD

Center for Ocular Regeneration, Hyderbad, India

Developing Novel Therapeutics and Understanding Disease Biology Using iPSC

Lecture Flyer

4th–5th April 2024

University of Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland

iPSZurich Symposium

iPSZurich Symposium

University of Zurich

14th May 2024 4PM


Gabsang Lee

Gabsang Lee, PhD

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA

Advanced Stem Cell Research Empowered By Biophotonics

Lecture Flyer

25th June 2024 4PM


Effie Apostolou

Dr. Effie Apostolou, Associate Professor

Weill Cornell Medicine, New York City, United States

Dissecting Epigenetic Mechanism of Cell Fate Transitions

Lecture Flyer

10th September 2024 4PM


Lukas Cyganek

Lukas Cyganek, PhD

Stem Cell Unit, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, Germany

iPSC Screening Platform for Preclinical Testing of CRISPR Therapies for Cardiovascular Diseases

Lecture Flyer

29th October 2024 


CiRA-IREM Symposium

CiRA-IREM Symposium

Kyoto, Japan

CiRA-IREM Joint Symposium

More Info

26th November 2024 4PM


Nico Lachmann

Prof. Nico Lachmann

Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Germany

From Regenerative Medicine to Anti-Cancer Therapies: iPSC-derived Immune Cells

Lecture Flyer

Date Speaker Topic

10th January 2023 4PM


Ashutosh Dhingra

Ashutosh Dhingra

German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Tübingen, Germany

Drug Screen In iPSC-Neurons Identifies Nucleosideanalogs As Inhibitors Of (G4C2)N Expression In c9orf72 ALS/FTD

Lecture Flyer

14th February 2023 4PM


Micha Drukker

Prof. Micha Drukker

Leiden University, The Netherlands

Perspectives On The Immunological Assessment Of Autologous, Homozygous, And Hypoimmunogenic iPSCs

Lecture Flyer

14th March 2023 4:30PM


Susanne Rafelski

Susanne Rafelski, PhD

Allen Institute for Cell Science, Seattle, USA

Integrated Intracellular Organization And Its Variations In Human IPS Cells

Lecture Flyer

14th April 2023 

University of Zurich
Room KOL-F-101,
Rämistrasse 71,
Zurich, Switzerland
All Day

iPSZurich Symposium

iPSZurich Symposium

University of Zurich

iPSZurich Symposium Flyer

Program and Abstracts booklet (PDF)

2nd May 2023 4PM


Robert Zweigerdt

Robert Zweigerdt, PhD

Hannover Medical School, Germany

Making and repairing human hearts

Lecture Flyer

20th June 2023 4PM


Gianluca Amadei

Gianluca Amadei, PhD

Università di Padova, Italy

Stem Cell-Derived Mouse Embryos Develop Within An Extra-Embryonic Yolk Sac To Form Anterior Brain Regions And A Beating Heart

Lecture Flyer

10th October 2023 4PM


Romina Fiorotto

Romina Fiorotto, PhD

Assistant Professor in Medicine,
Yale School of Medicine, USA

Use Of Stem Cell-Based Systems To Model Genetic And Complex Biliary Diseases

Lecture Flyer

7th November 2023 

University of Zurich
Campus Irchel,
All Day

iPSZurich&STEMCELL Event

iPSZurich&STEMCELL Event

Dr. Raniero Chimienti, Ospedale San Raffaele, Milano, Italy

Dr. Katharina Debowski, STEMCELL Technologies, Cologne, Germany

For the full programme, please peruse the Event Flyer attached below.

iPSZurich&STEMCELL Event Flyer

12th December 2023 4PM


Nael Nadif Kasri

Prof. Nael Nadif Kasri

Radboud University, The Netherlands

Leveraging Human Neuronal Networks On Micro-Electrode Arrays To Study Disease-Specific Genotype-Phenotype Correlations

Lecture Flyer

Date Speaker Topic

25th January 2022 4PM


Maria Rostovskaya

Maria Rostovskaya, PhD

Brabraham Institute, Cambridge, UK

Amniogenesis Occurs In Two Independent Waves In Primate Embryos


Lecture Flyer

29th March 2022 4PM


Peter Loskill

Prof. Dr. Peter Loskill

Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany

Recapitulating Complex Human Tissue Using Organ-On-Chip And Organoid Technologies


Lecture Flyer

5th April 2022 4PM


Atkinson and Georgious

Rob Atkinson and Maria Georgious

Newcastle University, UK

Why does faulty splicing affect the retina?


Lecture Flyer

20th April 2022 

University of Zurich
Room F-117
All Day

iPSZurich Symposium

iPSZurich Symposium

University of Zurich

iPSZurich Symposium Flyer

Program and Abstracts booklet (PDF)

3rd May 2022 4PM


Pau Sancho

Pau Sancho

El Instituto Clínic de Enfermedades Digestivas y Metabólicas (ICMDM)
Barcelona, Spain

Understanding Liver Fibrosis With iPSCs-Derived Hepatic Stellate Cells


Lecture Flyer

16th June 2022 4PM

IREM Zurich / hybrid

Sara S. Nunes de Vasconcelos

Prof. Sara S. Nunes de Vasconcelos

Institute of Biomedical Engineering
University of Toronto, Canada

Engineered multicellular living systems as fundamental tools in discovery and translation


Lecture Flyer

13th Sept 2022 4PM


Miriam Cnop

Miriam Cnop

Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Stress In The Insulin Factory: Twelve Monogenic Forms Of Diabetes And Counting


Lecture Flyer

11th Oct 2022 4PM


David Pamies

David Pamies

Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland

Brain Sphere: Applications and Future


Lecture Flyer

8th Nov 2022 4PM


Martin Hoogduijn

Prof. Martin Hoogduijn

Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

iPSC Derived Kidney Organoids as Model for studying Kidney Disease and Regeneration


Lecture Flyer

6th Dec 2022 10AM


Knut Woltjen

Knut Woltjen

Center of iPSC Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University, Japan

Reprogramming For Rejuvenation And Studies Of Mitochondrial Function


Lecture Flyer

Date Speaker Topic

1st February 2021 4PM


Veronica Krenn

Veronica Krenn, PhD

Laboratory of Jürgen Knoblich, Institute for Molecular Biotechnology, Vienna, Austria

Stem Cell-Derived Brain Organoids:
Emerging Human In Vitro Models For The Study Of Infectious Diseases


Lecture Flyer

1st March 2021 4PM


Adrian Ranga

Prof. Adrian Ranga, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Laboratory of Bioengineering and Morphogenesis, KU Leuven, Belgium

Bioengineering Organoid Fate And Morphogenesis


Lecture Flyer

20th April 2021 4PM


Pierre Vanderhaeghen

Prof. Pierre Vanderhaeghen, PhD

VIB-KU Leuven Center for
Brain & Disease Research
Leuven, Belgium

Human-Specific Temporal Mechanism Of Brain Development


Lecture Flyer

11th May 2021 4PM


Stephen Duncan

Prof. Stephen A. Duncan, D. Phil.

Smartstate Chair in regenerative Medicine
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA

Use Of An iPSC-Derived Hepatocyte Platform To Identify Treatments For Hypercholesterolemia


Lecture Flyer

1st June 2021 4PM


Olivier Goureau

Dr Olivier Goureau, PhD

Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Pathophysiology of the Retina
INSERM, Vision Institute, Paris, France

Retinal Organoids From Pluripotent Stem Cells: From Development To Disease


Lecture Flyer

7th September 2021 4PM


Federica Michielin

Federica Michielin, PhD

Research Follow
Developmental Biology & Cancer Department
University College London GOS Institute of Child Health

Driving Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Fate In Microfluids


Lecture Flyer

25th October 2021 4PM


Mingxia Gu

Prof. Mingxia Gu, MD, PhD

Cincinnati Children`s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC),
Cincinnati, USA

Using stem cells and organoid to study human development and disease


Lecture Flyer

8th November 2021 4PM


Silvia Cappello

Silvia Cappello, PhD

Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry,
Munich, Germany

Extracellular Signaling in Neurodevelopmental Disorders


Lecture Flyer TBD

7th December 2021 4PM


James Adjaye

Prof. Dr. James Adjaye

Chair and Director of Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine
Heinreich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany

IMSC: Derivation, Characterization And Application In Regenerative Medicine


Lecture Flyer

Date Speaker Topic

17th February 2020


Irchel Campus

Laura Pellegrini

Laura Pellegrini, PhD

Medical Research Council, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Human brain development in cerebral organoids


Lecture Flyer

9th September 2020 4PM


Thomas Eschenhagen

Prof. Thomas Eschenhagen, MD

University Medical Center Hamburg, Germany

Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Tissue Engineered Cardiac Repair


Lecture Flyer

28th September 2020 10AM


Akitsu Hotta

Prof. Akitsu Hotta, PhD

Centre for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto, Japan

How to overcome immune rejection of iPS cells by genome editing


Lecture Flyer

22nd October 2020 4PM


Valeria Orlova

Prof. Valeria Orlova, PhD

Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands

3D Vessel-On-Chip to Model Vascular Disease and Beyond


Lecture Flyer

11th November 2020 4PM


Deepak Srivastava

Deepak P. Srivastava, PhD

King`s College London, London, United Kingdom

iPSC modelling of Neurodevelopment and Neural Circuitry. Clinical Focus: Autism and Schizophrenia


Lecture Flyer

7th December 2020 4PM


Florian Wanke

Florian Wanke, PhD

Inflammation and Immunology Discovery,
Roche Basel, Switzerland

Using iPSC-derived "tissue-resident" macrophages for drug discovery


Lecture Flyer

Don't miss the chance!


Interested to present your PhD or Postdoc project to other young researchers? Submit an abstract and your CV to