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Institute for Regenerative Medicine • IREM

Kyoto University and the University of Zurich have officially established a strategic partnership

IREM welcomes the news that Kyoto University (KU) and the University of Zurich have officially established a strategic partnership in July 2020.

IREM and the Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA) of KU have had close ties for many years. Since the official collaboration kick-off with CiRA in 2016 with IREM representatives Prof. Hoerstrup, Prof. Nitsch and Prof. Hock, an active scientific exchange was established with visiting scientists from IREM at CiRA. In 2019, we welcomed Prof. Hirohide Saito, Prof. Yoshinoro Yoshida and Dr. Peter Karagiannis at our 15th Winter Brain & Heart Symposium.

Visiting scientist from CiRA at IREM were planned, but had to be postponed due to the Corona crisis.

IREM is looking forward to an even more intensive scientific exchange with CiRA in the coming years.

Full Article here:

Cornelia Schauz